Monday, June 9, 2014

The False Alarm

So as I mentioned in my previous post...this wait is a KILLER MAN !!!!!!!!!!
I am starting to get anxiety attacks every now and then....My BH ( Braxton Hicks ) which is also know as false contraction is sort of playing basketball in my life..LOL

The contractions have increased compare to aweek. It's alil hard to differentiate or rother alil tricky the actually contraction and BH.  It's all about timing to know if u are having the actual one or the false one you have to keep timing ur contraction frequency. 

So yeah what happen last Friday was, I had these contraction pains of and on which were about 1/2 an hour apart. Not so painful but the tightness were there. Followed by pretty discomforting period pain & back aches. It came almost about every 1/2 an hour for about 3 times. 

Since It was frequent as that I decided to call Murali to get back from work and went to visit the doctor, apparently he was not around and they decided to send me up to the labor suite to be checks. The nurse immediately brought me in and got me strapped on to the contraction & baby's heart beat monitor. 

She monitored me for half and hour and claimed that the contractions were not frequent enough. She then decided to check me from the bottom by inserting her 2 fingers right in which was hell of a pain. Only then I my "sub conscious memory power" sang this to me  " HEY BABY !!! THESE IS JUST THE BEGINNING, THERE'S MORE THAN THIS TO COME, SO CHILL & RELAX ". Lol !!!!!

Since nothing happen she told me to go home & to come if the contractions were 10-15 minutes apart and each last atleast 1 minute. So disappointingly I went back home...and from then till now I am still WAITINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.

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