Thursday, May 29, 2014

3rd Trimester ( The Diet Time )

Being in my last few weeks or maybe days of my pregnancy, I realize that as much people encourage you to eat and eat during your 1st & 2nd trimester, they don't really encourage you to do so during the 3rd !!!

Which is a sad thing for me !! because, I'm not so sure if this is only with me or if most pregnant women experiences this. Out of the all the 3 trimesters, the last trimester is the only one I really have the urge to eat especially from the 8th & 9th month.

I would be fast asleep at night and suddenly get up with severe gastric pain & I would end up stuffing myself till the pain goes away. The reason why the elders advice us not to eat much during this period is because, we don't want the baby to be over weight. Which will lead to difficulty for or during normal delivery. 

I was advice by the doctor that an average baby's weight should be from 2.5 kg - 3.5 kg which is 5.5 pounds to 7.7 pounds. If the baby is beyond that it purely depends on me how well I work in pushing the baby out, which has high chances of going for a ceaser. Which I don't want to have !

So for the 1st time in my ENTIRE LIFE I am some how controlling my diet as in checking on calories and so on before consuming it. LOL !!!!! I have quit fast food !!! reduced carbohydrate drinks ( one glass a week ) I eat smaller meals. I consume more liquid diet, walking as much as I can, doing light exercises. Should be fine I guess hehehe

As well as I don't mind having this baby girl out anytime after the 1st of June 2014 so that she doesn't stay in and gain more weight hahaha. As long as shes healthy that's the most important point.

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