Thursday, May 29, 2014

Ikan Bilis Sambal Craving & Cheat

I have always been a sambal lover. As usual being preggy has made me even more a WEIRDO. I have been craving so much for ikan bilis sambal specially made either by my mother or my Aunty Fatimah. The two aunties of mine who make the BEST SAMBAL EVER is Aunty Fatimah & Aunty Viji !!!!!!

 So yeah all of a sudden I have been craving for aunty fatimah's ikan bilis sambal. So I told her lovely daughter, my sister Sopiah to bring in some during my "Bangle Ceremony" and she agreed, She came for the ceremony and told me that she had brought and left it in the kitchen. Once the ceremony was over and all went back as usual I was feeling HUNGRY and I remembered that the she "SO CALLED" brought the sambal. So I went to look in the kitchen for it. My mum & aunt came up to me asking what was I looking for and I explained to them, then they tell me we just cleaned the kitchen and did not see anything. So I called her up then asked her where did she leave the sambal ? I then called up my angelic sis and she tells me, I brought it in a white container and left it in the kitchen. I said NO there's nothing like that... & yet she could do a drama saying hmm don't tell me someone packed it back ? After a long convo of  her crap she finally said hehehe I'm sorry dear I forgot to bring the sambal but I promise to bring it soon !!!!!!!!! YES PEOPLE !!!!!!!!!!!! this lady had cheated a preggy woman !!!!!! *Tears Burst Out From My Eyes As I Type This* huhuhuh ok being dramatic LOL.  

But I made her feel so bad that the following "month" she herself cooked and brought for me my sambal !!!! Though it was not so nice as my Aunty Fatimah's preparation !!! It was good huhuh just joking. The sambal was excellent & as usual I finished the whole dish by myself.."LITERALLY". 

Now the highlight of the whole Ikan Bilis Sambal thinggy husband is bugging me to ask my sister or aunt to make the sambal for him as he is all of a CRAVING more than me !!!! He keeps on reminding everyday about it.... So here I am !! Indirectly telling u AKKA !!!! :p 

P.S No matter what !!! You are the BEST sister ever &       I love you so much !!!!!!!!! <3 


  1. Haha thanks dv fr the publicity. .. I'll drop by this week ok.. ♥♥♥♥ u

    1. anytime akka <3 you inspired me to write this :p
